Sunday, May 31, 2009

Exciting day!

Plastic Swimming Pool - $14.99
Water Shoes - $8.99
Swim Trunks - $9.99
A Boys First Pool - PRICELESS!

Jack is in Heaven or at least thinks a pool in the backyard is!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Coeur D Alene Day at the beach

Picnic lunch. Swinging at the play ground. Digging in the sand. Diving into a snowcone...still afraid to go in the water! I have been working on Jack but the sand and waves are just a tad bit different from the concrete jungle swimming pool he had in Colorado. He is nothing if not cautious...mark my words, give me one more month and he will be running for the water instead of away from it!

I cant complain. Even thought he decided not to take part in the super refreshing water on this crazy hot day...he came home with red lips, cheeks and chin from the snow cone, found sand in places I cant mention and lots of "thank yoy mommys" on the way home.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Remembering Dad

Today was a sad day. 4 years since my Dad died today. I still miss him more than I can put into words but what makes me sad today is knowing that my beautiful smiling boys will never get to know what an amazing man their Grandpa was. They will never get to hear his jokes or funny stories, never get to take batting practice with him, never get to eat out of the ice cream carton with him or look forward to him coming to visit. I guess, all of that is heartbreaking to me because I know how much he would have loved them and how much they would have in return.

He was an amazing man. A warm, loving, stern, stubborn and loving man. The greatest gift he gave me was to teach me through example how to love my husband and my kids every day and be there for them every day. I love you Dad.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Gag reflex...

We started Mr. Cooper on solids yesterday preparing for him to spit out almost all of it and gag a ton on the foreign substance (like his brother did), however it wasnt Coop that was doing the gagging. The chubby tike actually did pretty good for his first time...but it was Jack who stood by watching that had a look of horror on his face and was gagging at the oatmeal mess. I had to vacate him from the premisis in order to avoid a major clean up. He has a very easy gag reflex...Guess we can cross off ER Doctor and go for something less gross : )

Sunday, May 17, 2009

One great weekend!

After one long week of sick and not so happy kids, we emerged in tact and had a great weekend! Great weather, lots of time together (which we don't get too much of these days with Flo traveling so much), great food and lots of smiles! We went to the Gonzaga Baseball game on Saturday and the kids had a ton of fun (and by kids I mean Flo too!). Jack was in heaven, dancing to the music between batters - Flo said he is definitely my kid, eating hotdogs and popcorn and watching the players. He experienced a few firsts all weekend as well in addition to the college ball game....water balloons, slurpees dandilions! A mom can't get enough of the beautiful yellow flowers. Cooper experienced sitting in grass for the first time and his first bike ride as well. He can get up on all fours now and I think based on his determination and how strong he is, he is going to be a very early crawler.
We had one great weekend as a family and sad to see that its Sunday night and the weekend is over. Heres to hoping next weekend is just as great!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Priceless Face!

This pictures captures the true happiness of Jack at the moment, showing his inner "ham" at how proud he is to hold my sister's cat by himself! He is definitely growing up and eager to show every opportunity to prove what a big boy he is and how he can do everything by himself. I am just in his world....