Friday, May 29, 2009

Remembering Dad

Today was a sad day. 4 years since my Dad died today. I still miss him more than I can put into words but what makes me sad today is knowing that my beautiful smiling boys will never get to know what an amazing man their Grandpa was. They will never get to hear his jokes or funny stories, never get to take batting practice with him, never get to eat out of the ice cream carton with him or look forward to him coming to visit. I guess, all of that is heartbreaking to me because I know how much he would have loved them and how much they would have in return.

He was an amazing man. A warm, loving, stern, stubborn and loving man. The greatest gift he gave me was to teach me through example how to love my husband and my kids every day and be there for them every day. I love you Dad.

1 comment:

  1. Wow.... Very emotional, to say the least. I am so sorry about your loss. I can't imagine losing my father. :(

    But on a happier note, starting to get to know your family is great. It's nice to find a fresh, new blog, where I can start from the beginning, and really catch the essence of the lives that it involves. I look forward to reading it, so update often! :) hehehe. I wish for you and your family to have a wonderful, and safe upcoming week.


    Andrew C.
