Friday, August 27, 2010

Thats A-M-O-R-E!

Grandma surprised the kids this morning when she knocked on the door (I did tell them a friend was coming over) but they were so excited when it was her! We kidnapped her for the whole day and took her shopping in Coeur D Alene and had lunch and then they showed off their skills in the back yard for her and capped it all off with a water fight (in which cooper did get one good direct shot of Grandma in!)

This is how we roll when we travel in style in the mini -van. Ready at any point for a spontaneous game of baseball of course.
We went to Tito's in Coeur D Alene for dinner and lets just say we all felt ill from eating too much! The kids even got to make their own pizzas and Jack was really good at it....

Cooper was really good at eating his toppings.

I think he thought it was a cool buffet with some of his favorite snack foods.

That kid cracks me up.
Jack trusted me to sample a piece of his pizza and it was pretty darn good. Definitely a good way to amuse the the kids when we took them out to dinner (which is a rare occasion!!!) and they loved it.
T-minus one day till road trip vacation starts. Pray for us :)

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