Sunday, July 26, 2009

Bears, Baseball and Break-ins

Another mini-family vacation over to the coast for a few days chalk full of laughs, drama and lots of "he is touching me moments" already!

We went with Uncle John to the Woodland Park Zoo one day and were pretty convinced that the animals were putting on shows for us at each exhibit! Seemed to be that most of the exhibits we went to they came over to us and gave us an up close and personal view - and the bears were no exception. Jack loved them!

Baseball game at Safeco and after that we decided for the money and concentration level...maybe our kids will just be Indians fans for a while! After most of the trip was done, we came out of our hotel on the last morning to find that our car had been broken in to. Guess the car seats and baby toys didn't stop these guys. Only a few things were missing but put a minor strain on the day to say the least.

We rounded out the trip with a visit to Flo's great aunt and uncles place in Cle Elum. We had such a good time visiting and the surroundings were beautiful as well! Over all we got to spend some time with family and see some friends and family that we haven't seen since our wedding so we were very happy we made the trip. Back to the grind now...

Jack and the bear bonding...
Some poolside time at the hotel.
Water babies showing off their skills in the water (we have come a long way from Lake Chelan!)
Uncle John and Coops at the Zoo
Little fans excited about the big baseball game!
And just a little overtired as well! Kodak moment with the moose - the boys kept giving him high-fives and hugs, it was really cute!
Helping clean house at Aunt Edna's

Friday, July 10, 2009


Why don't I live somewhere like San Diego? Where the weather is always beautiful like this? I guess it just makes me appreciate it that much more and I am determined to spend as much time enjoying the beautiful sunshine with my kids as possible! Just a couple of pictures from our week that made me smile...

Sharing icecream (what you don't see is that Jack shared with Avery, Madison and Aunt Bissy as well!)
Taking Coops for a ride! It included a little off roading but he seemed to enjoy the whole thing!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Back to life...back to reality...

We had such a good holiday for the 4th. This year we spent it with the Florence side of the family, spending time with family, out of towners (including Grandma and Grandpa), eating and playing round the clock!
All the kids hanging out on the one rainy morning.
Mr. Patriotic

Some snuggle time after a swim...
playing on the floaties with papa...All they needed was a floatie, a golf ball and a lake for tons of laughs!

Uncle Curtis and Torie after decorating Coops with his star pasties!
So Jack was afraid of the fireworks, Cooper slept throughout most of them and the crowd was scared by a rouge firecracker but we had a great camping trip! The camper trailer that Amy let us use was perfect! It was super comfy and Jack loved sleeping in it too. THANK YOU ANDY AND AMY! Happy late 4th of July Everyone.

Friday, July 3, 2009

swimming, sun and steak!

Day one of camping for the Holiday full of swimming, sun and a fabulous steak and crab dinner!
The boys...

Warming up to the water after a breakdown on our first boat ride...we will come around by the end of this trip!
Having some down time at our camp site...
Boat ride and sun wore the little guy out.
Just enjoying spending some time as a family at the lake! And this was only day one... one word: woohoo!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Back Pain

As if packing for a 4 day holiday camping trip with two little babies isn't enough...I had a slightly painful night chalk full of zero hours of sleep and (I hate to admit) lots of crying. On my pain scale, it was right up there with my pregnancy sciatic pain and kidney stones and after trying Advil, ice, heat, icy hot and suggestions from Flo I called the chiropractor as soon as they opened. Turns out I had 3 ribs out of place and seriously inflamed back muscles from it. I guess my back pain was for good reason and it definitely threw a wrench into my packing! But, with help from Amy, Mags and Flo I made it through the day. THANK YOU SO MUCH!! On a happier note, here are some pics from our fun week....
Hanging out at the coolest kid water park on the South Hill with Avery and Maddie (this picture was taken before Jack decided he loved the place!)
Cooper eating again...

Playing outside today with tractors in the flower beds for hours.

Showing off his Buddha belly with pride!

We are ready for a Holiday, Camping here we come!