Monday, July 6, 2009

Back to life...back to reality...

We had such a good holiday for the 4th. This year we spent it with the Florence side of the family, spending time with family, out of towners (including Grandma and Grandpa), eating and playing round the clock!
All the kids hanging out on the one rainy morning.
Mr. Patriotic

Some snuggle time after a swim...
playing on the floaties with papa...All they needed was a floatie, a golf ball and a lake for tons of laughs!

Uncle Curtis and Torie after decorating Coops with his star pasties!
So Jack was afraid of the fireworks, Cooper slept throughout most of them and the crowd was scared by a rouge firecracker but we had a great camping trip! The camper trailer that Amy let us use was perfect! It was super comfy and Jack loved sleeping in it too. THANK YOU ANDY AND AMY! Happy late 4th of July Everyone.

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