Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Back Pain

As if packing for a 4 day holiday camping trip with two little babies isn't enough...I had a slightly painful night chalk full of zero hours of sleep and (I hate to admit) lots of crying. On my pain scale, it was right up there with my pregnancy sciatic pain and kidney stones and after trying Advil, ice, heat, icy hot and suggestions from Flo I called the chiropractor as soon as they opened. Turns out I had 3 ribs out of place and seriously inflamed back muscles from it. I guess my back pain was for good reason and it definitely threw a wrench into my packing! But, with help from Amy, Mags and Flo I made it through the day. THANK YOU SO MUCH!! On a happier note, here are some pics from our fun week....
Hanging out at the coolest kid water park on the South Hill with Avery and Maddie (this picture was taken before Jack decided he loved the place!)
Cooper eating again...

Playing outside today with tractors in the flower beds for hours.

Showing off his Buddha belly with pride!

We are ready for a Holiday, Camping here we come!

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