Monday, August 31, 2009

The Big 3 - 0!

All the anticipation, or rather dread leading up to turning 30 was washed away by my day of being spoiled by my truly wonderful husband - and boy did I need it! After packing up the family and moving, a yard sale, and multiple dump runs along with 3 bouts of the flu a day of pampering was what I needed!

Flo surprised me with an hour long massage and then lunch just the two of us followed by a mini version of "what not to wear" by treating me to a shopping spree for just me. Only two rules: I couldn't buy anything white or black and I couldn't buy anything for the kids. Sign me up!

Sounds bad but a day without my kids is just what the doctor ordered... a 30 year old lady could use a little time with her hubby to reconnect, hold hands and laugh about things other than spit up and toots. I missed the boys terribly but will forever remember how much trouble Flo went to to make this birthday special. I managed to make it 7 whole hours with no spit up, puke, dirty hand marks or bodily fluid of any kind from a kid on my clothes - I call that a success!

Following the shopping spree (I sadly think I got a blister or two) he had planned a surprise get together at my sisters with my favorite food and cake for dessert. This day will definitley make me a better mom and wife.

It was a great day. I wouldn't mind turning older every year if it was like this. Hands down the best birthday to date. Thank you Bissy for your time with the kids and thank you Flo for the memories.

Cooper enjoying my birthday cake a little too much...

Coops and Aubrey hanging out this week at John's going away picnic.

They boys enjoying some sun time in our back yard. Jack pretty much turned the hose on the two of us two seconds after this was taken!


  1. Cute pictures! I just sent you some of the ones I got from Cooper and Jack this afternoon. We had a lot of fun. Thirty is right around the corner for me :(

  2. you did? I didn't get them but then again I seem to be having some technical difficulties with everything lately! thank you so much for coming!
