Wednesday, September 9, 2009

bees, bubbles and the blues

A special shout out to Uncle John who is in Qatar right now and I just added on the blog list... Stay safe, we miss you and are praying for you!

It happened today at our house.

In a parents life, it happens sooner or later to our case later. Today our son repeated something that we (or I) said and now we are forced to be more conscientious about what and how we say things as we have a play back who is 3 feet tall. It wouldn't be so bad but of all things to pick as a first thing to say... I was tossing dog bones to our two dogs and Ellie our little one was just sitting there not going after any of them and letting Lucy get them all. (I think she was holding out for something better) but I said "Ellie are you Dumb? There is nothing else." And then we heard about 20 times "Mommy, Ellie Dumb?" "Daddy, Ellie Dumb?"

I think Flo was both proud that he repeated and mortified at what it was. Good job Mommy.

Today was a pretty boring day for the most part...for the past two days I have been sorting through the boys clothes to see what sort of building blocks we have for the fall and winter and turns out my suspicions about having moose for children were correct. 5 hours later and about 4 outfits left and I am prepping myself for some bargain shopping in the near future before the cold weather hits.

The boys were great through the tub and dresser raiding. They managed to amuse themselves with a hamper for a good hour and played "boo" their favorite game on and off for at least another one. And who could complain when the day starts off with some blues singing from Jack over breakfast and ends with some bike, wagon and car washing with Daddy? The only big downer on the day was that Jack got stung on the leg by a bee before lunch. But, I do have to say after the tears stopped the first thing out of this mouth was "ice mommy". He is a tough kid.

The huge monthly cereal sale is tomorrow and I will bribe, distract and sing my way through it if it means that I have 2 happy kids and a grocery cart full of cereal for the month and then we are off to the park to play after 2 days in doors.


Jack taking the wagon through the Florence car wash. He is growing up toooo fast!

Amusing themselves while Mommy works...
Eating his favorite like a champ - corn on the cob.

Singing some songs he learned in Sunday School for me!

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