Saturday, November 28, 2009

My baby's 1st Birthday Party

He's one?!?! Really? Where did the year go? He no longer wants to sit and snuggle in my lap but is constantly on the go, never stopping and always exploring. It is so fun to watch him discover everything within his reach and sight and see Jack and him play together and interact.

We had a big family party full of 3 grandpas, 4 grandmas and looooots of cousins and aunts and uncles. Pizza, presents, hotwings galore and cake to boot. He's really one I guess.

Posing for a pictures before Grandma and Grandpa left to drive back to Fargo.
He enjoyed his cake just a little...

This was the party table!
This was before the cake, before the chaos of the presents and before video games which is why we all don't have frosting in our hair or pizza on our clothes. Happy 1st Birthday Coops!

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