Tuesday, December 15, 2009


We woke up this morning to about 4 inches of fresh snow in our front yard and Jack couldn't have been more excited! His excitement rubbed off because Cooper was running around the living room giggling and we decided to get dressed before breakfast and head out to enjoy the morning snow.

It might have lasted only 30 minutes but as a mom, it was the first time Jack was excited to go outside and be in the snow, much less play! I am sure it was all those snow balls he saw Daddy pelt our cars and windows with last year...because all he wanted to do was make "no balls"

started out making snow balls and then he was just laying in the snow and sort of flopping around with pure joy!

We took a mini walk around the neighborhood. It was perfect. Not a soul up yet and the street was pristine!

Cooper was starting to get in the action as well...
I guess its time to go get snow pants and boots for the two tikes which is a good thing! I was holding off because I wasn't sure if it would be a waste like last year but I think we will definitely be venturing out in the snow this year! It just makes everything feel more festive with the covering of white that during cooper's first nap Jack and I are watching The Polar Express.

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