Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mommy's Day

Just a relaxing day with the family. Nothing exotic but a perfect mother's day spent with the boys and Flo. We had such a blast this past weekend with a college friend of Flo's and his family that were visiting. Jake, Mica and their little girl Ryan were here for a few days and I think everyone including the boys had a blast. John hosted a little mother's day bbq at his house and the boys played lots of t-ball with the tail end of the bbq ending in choo choo rides for the kids - adults running around the yard pulling a wagon with up to 130 pounds while making choo choo sounds. who needs a gym??

Happy mother's day to Grandma (barb), little grandma, big grandma, Grammie, Aunt Bissy, Aunt Crystal, Aunt Amy and all the other Mommies who deserve even just a little bit of special treatment for being such great moms!!

Jack on his new swing set loving life!
Jack and Ryan - his new buddy! 3 days of amazing naps after playing so hard!
Cute huh? Notice all the pedals on the ground...
I made frosted sugar cookies for the team, cooper was my taste tester.

After spending $40 on shoes he is still barefoot outside!

My little monkey who isn't afraid of anything can already climb the rock wall!

Pre - swing set - king of the hill and a loooong day of yard work!

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