Monday, May 3, 2010

Bloomsday I've taken a minor vacation from the blog during softball season. I guess its not alone, along with my laundry, any closet in my house and any sort of small social life that I might have once had! I pledge to do better from here on let you know about the 10 rounds of flu we have beaten, the massive swing set we (Flo) tackled and won and all the fun / drama of coaching 16 pubescent teenage girls! I had to start with blooms day, which was yesterday. Flo and my sister and I did it together and I just wanted to share a few of things that we saw or did the day of the race:

1) man walking the race barefoot (we thought he lost a bet but his explanation wasn't as good as that - loony).
2) i walked in on a lady in the port-a-potty before the race began flashed her to the massive crowd (not the last time I ran to get away from embarrassment that day!)
3) Flo's Nemesis the old lady with 2 walking sticks - his only goal was to beat her. I am sorry to report he did not achieve his goal.
4) in an attempt to display how fun it was to chuck a cup on the ground during bloomsday I ended up chucking an entire cup of water on the lady in front of me. (never seen two people disown me so fast) - we ran a little after this.
5) a man wearing only stuffed animals - creepy.
6) kids in lower grade school running past us.
7) the knowledge at mile 4 that a breakfast of a latte and banana bread does not a champion make
8) scary vulture dude at the top of doomsday hill, Mickey, chicken, tella-tubbies, a banana, hot dog and prom queen.
9) lots of bands - but definitely a clear difference in quality (think American idol's 1st couple episodes and you have it).
10) realized that the course goes through felony flats (probably the worst part of town) and had some embarrassment for all the people who come from near and far to run the race ...not the best foot to put forward Spokane.
11) started the race when they said go and then got YELLED at by a Nazi-volunteer lady who said we were cheating. Elizabeth was already pumping her fists to chariots of glory ( think the women's and men's champions had already finished at this point)
12) a lime green shirt as reward
Brief break on doomsday hill (I think this is where the lady with the sticks made her move and passed us up)
Sandwiched between 55,000 people and right next to 3 port-a-potties.nice.
Probably all have warrants out for them... we had to pose
Bums must love this day after the race is over.

And then two seconds later I opened the door to the port-a-potty - but seriously folks - lock the door. When it says vacant its fair game!

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