Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Ch ch ch changes...

Our family as we know it was rocked a month ago with a few changes so I have been pretty busy trying to just take it all in and keep up with everything.  Maggie, my 15 year old sister, has come to live with us - which has added a very different dynamic than 2 toddler boys! We now have a teenager schedule to keep up, teenager emotions to deal with and another girl in the house to even things out a bit. Also, Kenny, my brother-in-law has moved back to Spokane and has been living with us for the past month while he looks for a job. 

So, aside from my family's stresses, and 2 more adults in the house, we have lots of laundry, lots of mouths to feed and lots of noise! We have been having guitars playing round the clock with amazing music, our living turned into a hockey rink, our hallway turned into a basketball gym, family movie nights and dinners and taking turns using the bathroom just like a family of 6! Did we once say we wanted 4 kids?  Through everything, the two little lights in our lives have kept me going and given me lots of little hugs that carry big punch. 

 Our Buzz lightyear and Sherriff Woody before bed time.
 God blessed us with another big snow fall and we took advantage by sledding for a few hours.
 Jack got the hang of it fast and was running while holding his board and then jumping on.
Shoveling our front yard to make a big mound to sled on.
 Our snowman, which Coops wanted to take inside.
Snow angels, snow wrestling, eating snow and sledding.  A perfect afternoon.
 Putting together a puzzle they got for christmas.
 Slam dunk contest.
 Hockey in the living room, now Jack says "when I get bigger I want to play baseball, football and hockey."
 Watch out! Cooper was dangerous with that thing!
 Maggie was the goalie.
 Family night just hanging out before death match at Just Dance 2!
 Cooper taking Buh on a shopping trip.
Jack was ready and willing to ring him up, although didn't want to give him the money to pay with yet!


  1. Whoa! You have a super full house girl!!!!! I haven't seen Maggie since she was a baby- you could say she's grown up a bit :) Happy New Year!

  2. life is never dull with a housefull!! hope you have a few relaxing moments to yourself every now and then!
