Friday, January 21, 2011

Watch out! We have a 4 year old on the loose!

Maybe its because he is finally talking more (like all the time) which we thought would never happen when he was still our little cave man at 2  and only grunting in different tones and lengths....or maybe its because he seems to have grown a ton in the last couple months and I was just ordering a few size 6 (I repeat size 6!) shirts for this summer....or maybe its because I just can't believe that the past 4 years has gone by and we now have a full fledged independent 4 year old on our hands

Oh yes, independent, opinionated, super helpful, quirky, silly, energetic4 year old - who is already telling people that next birthday he will be turning 5.  SLOW DOWN!

I remember when he was a tiny super chunk of a baby, and the nurses jokes that the next line-backer for the Denver Broncos was just born...
 Our first baseball game at the Rockies....
 his contagious laugh and silly smile that made Flo take a few more than a few half days so he could just spend some time with his little man....
 moving home with our little red tornado...
going on road trips....
 thinking that life doesn't get any simpler or better when he would do something funny or make a silly face....
 or be a clown (I'm convinced his picture will be next to "class clown" in his high school year book...
 continued to surprise us...
 We love this little guy so much!
 Here's to 4 years by and MANY MANY MANY more to come and celebrate with!
We love you Jackson David Florence! You are the best big brother and son two parents could ask for and today you can have all the ice cream you can eat, hall passes on a few slips in your manors and too many hugs to count from me!

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