Sunday, June 28, 2009

Hoopfest, Hawaiian Ice and Homeruns oh my!

This weekend we played. Words can't really sum up how much fun we had, but we are exhausted and muscles are sore and ready to hug our pillows early tonight.

Jack and Cooper after a looooong day of Hoopfest and watching games!

Cooper watching Zack play basketball with Daddy.

You know you've done P90X too much when your 2 year old starts to impersonate you.....

Jack digging in to his 2nd Hawaiian ice of the day. MMMM good!

This was the start of the day....ready with bells on to watch some good ball...

Watching Daddy play.
Swinging with cousin Sean.

Playing T-ball with Trent or as Jack likes to call him "T".

It was a good weekend.

1 comment:

  1. OK, the sleeping picture is hilarious! I especially like Coopers position, very old manish! :)
