Thursday, December 17, 2009

We miss you Daddy!!

So Branden has been in Santa Barbara since Sunday at Noon and I have been left to the two wild wolves we call Jack and Cooper for the week! Knowing that it was going to be a really long 6 days, so close to Christmas and being cooped up in the house - since so many people we know are sick - I have pulled out all the stops to entice good behavior and make the time go by more quickly since the combined age of my sounding board is 47 months old!

I know Flo is hard at work with training and studying for a huge exam but it has been a test of sorts to see what I can pull out of the closet to amuse the short attention spans... bubbles in the bathtub, blowing up balloons and kicking them around the living room, obstacle course in the family room, jumping on the bed, new books, Christmas light looking with corn dogs and popcorn and the crowning glory tonight we had a dance party to jingle bell rock and grandma got run over by a reindeer. Those boys have moves!

On Monday when we had the fresh fallen snow, I spend a full two hours shoveling the walk and building a massive 5 1/2 ' tall snowman as a surprise for Jack. I labored away in the snow while neighbors honked and drove by and inquired what I was was all my my boys. I couldn't wait until they woke up and I could show Jack my surprise and then he woke up and I showed him and he was about as excited as I pictured and then hugged me and said "thank you ho ho for bringing snowman to my new home." I didn't have the heart to tell him Santa didn't bring it for him, so Santa took my credit. And about 20 times a day, Jack looked out our front window and said "hi snowman, I love you!" But, due to warmer weather and rain, Mr. Snowman now looks like a blob (see above) and is going away. Its sad.

This was my / Santa's pride and joy...

$1 treat that I made the boys from Wally world = hours of fun. They are like Christmas Gumbys with their faces.

We've had a great week, and I didn't pull all my hair out, but late late tomorrow night when Flo's plane gets in cannot come soon enough! We miss you and can't wait to start more Christmas activities next week with you! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

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