Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry Christmas!

We had a fun filled two day Christmas extravaganza that we are currently recovering from by staying in and watching movies and playing with the boys and their loot. We basically spent great time with family, ate our way through the holiday with our favorite foods and goodies and got to experience the holiday through our kids' eyes - it was magical.

On Christmas eve we had some of Flo's family over for the breakfast of champions - my delicious orange rolls and Cinnamon. Made me proud that my orange rolls were devoured and there were only a couple of Cinnabons eaten! We had such a good time visiting and relaxing with family the whole day until we Celebrated with the Grenz side of the family that night. I think Jack and Cooper were amped up for the event and giddy about all the decorations, presents and family there that just a few crocodile tears were shed when the Santa made his appearance that night!

On Christmas Day we had my side of the family over to our house to open gifts and nosh on the huge brunch I spent Christmas Eve making. It was a little crazy with 6 little ones (who's combined age was 14) but we had a lot of fun with the help of our dear friend Mr. Coffee.

All in all it was an amazing Christmas to get to start to teach our kids the true meaning of Christmas and how we celebrate Baby Jesus' Birthday. I think we definitely got more things from our kids this year than the reverse. Although Flo makes fun of me snapping pictures of everything I wanted to remember how excited and innocent our kids were. It really helped us to just count our blessings and live in the moment! I hope everyone else enjoyed their Christmas as much as we did. I am sad the season is over...I guess only 11 months to enjoy before we get to put up another Christmas tree and listen to Jingle bells over and over again. I can't wait.

Cooper and Monkey taking a ride in his new ride after his Christmas nap.
All the kids on Christmas morning (minus Cooper who was napping) right before the festivities began.

Opening presents on Christmas eve....they definitely LOVED to see the paper fly!

Taking a minute to say thank you with a hug for his new super soft stuffed cow.
Posing with Potato Head.

After Santa handed him the ONE thing he has been asking for for months...he decided he was O.K. and even gave him a high five and a hug.

Cooper got a new Monkey to join his crew...

Family picture moment (amazingly all of our eyes are open and smiles on kids!)

Hanging out with cousins on Christmas Eve.

Christmas Eve morning...I would like the think the big smiles are because of the yummy orange rolls!
Jack and coops hanging out with THEIR boys T and Travis

These smiles made it all worth it. Merry Christmas!

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