Saturday, March 6, 2010

Jack's trip to the Dentist

Yesterday was Jack's first dentist appointment. I had been prepping him for a while now but I wasn't prepared for how well he did. SUPER BRAVE little boy! They even tried to get x-rays of him for about 10 minutes but his mouth was just a tad too small for this year. He got the full cleaning and even did the 1 minute fluoride treatment and when it was all said and done and the dentist asked for a high five Jack ran up and gave him a huge hug. I can't ask for more than that! I think the highlight was getting a tooth brush with lightning mcqueen on it and then he asked for one for his brother as well so he left armed with a good bag for both himself and his brother skipping out the door!

This week has been exhausting for all of us because Softball started full time on Monday and Flo has been in servicing (a.k.a going up the hospital to teach on a new product several times a day starting at 6 am and usually coming home at 10 at night). I think the kids were the lucky ones with our incredible sitter - who they now ask if she can come over and cry when they wake up and she was relieved during their naps! I am finally on the homestretch of being so incredibly sore that it hurt to breath. Seriously, I hadn't been that sore since preseason in College (that's Division 1 people - so either I am working incredibly hard as a coach or I am feeling the effects of sports and getting old!). In my defence, during the first 3 days of try outs I had to pitch to each girl - each got 10 swings (meaning 20 pitches) and there were 54 girls!! You do the math, my back and arm sure did!

I am having a great time though and aside from loving being back around the game, the team is really great too. Jack, Coops and Flo came out today for the last hour of practice and ran around throwing balls and having a good time today.

Fluoride treatment... He didn't want to give up that sucker - they let him play with it and he sucked his cheeks, nose, chin, teeth (you name it) for about 20 minutes while waiting for the dentist to do the final exam.
Sporting his cool shades during his cleaning. And he got an great report card on his teeth - great strong clean teeth. No cavities or bad spots, no bad bite. Couldn't ask for anything more!

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