Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Big man on campus

1st day of Pre-school at Spokane Valley Calvary Pre-School for Jack and he woke up with bells on ready for the day, more alert and ready than either his brother or myself singing "do you know the muffin man" at the top of his voice to wake me up.

He wore his new favorite shirt and posed oh so willingly for the camera for a 1st day of school shot...

And then again with his cool hat and back pack just to mix it up....

And then again with this trusty side kick (holding his version of a back pack: a lunch sack)....
Tears were at at the classroom door, but they weren't by Jack but by his little buddy...he didn't want to be left behind. Chocolate milk and a beagle fixed his tears and we picked Jack up to celebrate the first day with lunch at a park and got to hear all about how there were numbers on the walls in the bathroom and his friend Ethan had the same shoes as him.
And so it starts....

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