Thursday, September 16, 2010

What a difference a week makes...

10 days ago we were in sunny San Diego.

Now: cloudy-rainy Spokane. Welcome Fall.

Don't get me wrong, I love the fall. I love pumpkin lattes, pumpkin bread, apple picking, crisp evenings with warm sweaters...but the gray clouds I could do without! None-the-less I am looking on the positive side and trying not to focus on the many months ahead of no blue sky and enjoying all the fun activities with the boys.

These are the sunflower seeds we planted in may with the boys. It has been a great visual on how plants grow and patience as well (We all know we could use some of that!) seeing how much they grow each day and waiting for the day when they would bloom.

This is one of the giant ones that Jack claimed as his and was kind enough to relegate all the "baby ones" as Cooper's sun flowers.

The boys making monster sounds at me (these are the faces I envision when I am having a frustrating day) practicing for Halloween.
but these are the actual faces I see... its when its quiet that I worry. Code names: Trouble 1 and Trouble 2.

10 days ago I had a sweet little boy who slept 12 hours a night in his crib and 2hours a day for nap time in his crib... now: this. This was taken on the first morning that he learned to escape.
Escape from his pottery barn jail.
No falling out of the crib and hurting himself. Just climbed out and then decided to not only pull all the toys down in his room but help himself to the pantry. When I walked in on him, he was munching on captain crunch berries and gushers. He went for for the good stuff.

Now that Jack in in Pre-school 3 days a week for 2 1/2 hours a day I get to spend some one on one time with my second born. I absolutely love it. Its so nice to spend some quality time with him and get to know his quirks and personality better instead of playing referee as much between them. This is what I've found out so far.... Cooper still has a loud high pitched sound that he emits when excited or frustrated (it really wasn't from his brother poking him), he gives lots more kisses when its just us, he loves to secretly play with jack's big boy toys when he's in school and knows I am wrapped around his little finger if he tilts his head and smiles and asks for a snack. I cave. How could I not!? I love being able to have my Jack time in the mornings before coops wakes up and then with Coops while Jack is at pre-school.

Coops showing me how he can scoot.

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