Monday, September 6, 2010

Family Vacation Part II - San Diego

On our family vacation I lost my husband to the circus.

What? you say...

Well it all started when we were at the San Diego Zoo one day sunny day....

We were watching this act in between shows and visiting exhibits and the boys were in awe of what these guys could do....
It was pretty impressive. They would pull people from the crowd (usually little kids to) to stand on them and such and then give them a prize....

And then they pulled out Flo. Oh boy.

He definitely didn't let anyone down. People were clapping and were really impressed and Jack wanted to know if they could come to our home.

It would definitely make for some good dinner conversation.

We had a great time at the San Diego zoo and spent the day taking the double Decker bus tour, sky tour, and seeing some amazing exhibits. (this panda was my favorite - I think he looks just like a stuffed one in the store). The boys LOVED all the animals up close and cooper wanted to hug every one of them.

We saw two of the elephants going for a swim and getting lots of snacks which was most impressive.

Flo enjoyed seeing the cheetah and the dog on a stroll together around the park, which walked right by us.

My little monkeys were continually trying to scale the barriers that separated us from them, which only confirmed which exhibit they should be in when we visited the monkey trail and they were hooting and monkey calling with the best of them.

Sea World was awesome. Awesome to see the Kid's faces as they experienced all the animal. Awesome to see the shows ourselves and be wowed. Awesome to pet and touch so many cool animals and creatures. We definitely had to tear the boys away and pay a special trip to Shamu so that they boys could say goodbye. Jack put his hand on the glass when she swam by and said I love you.

We sat in the soak zone for the dolphin show and it lived up to its name.

The kids enjoyed feeding little fishes to the seals through the tubes but of course that gradually morphed into just just chucking them over the wall because that was more cool to see them catch mid air rather than take out of the tubes.

Jack was fulled prepped having watched Free Willy twice before the trip but we had no idea how much he would love the whales and the show. When asked on the way home what his favorite part of vacation was it was the whales as evidence of the mommy and baby killer whales that he picked out of the shop.
I even convinced Jack after this moment to go on the Atlantis ride with me (makes splash mountain look small) and has a few drops. The kid is crazy brave.

Sea World also had an amazing play area complete with Elmo and Zoe. The meeting of friends never ended.

Kids petting the sting rays.

Group picture with one of my best friends from college - miss Ashley dean. Who played volleyball with me at Dartmouth. We spent the day at mission beach enjoying the sun, surf and sand with her!

The kids loved it. Jack spent most of the time running and jumping in a massive whole that was dug out and collecting shells while copper...

Shockingly enough spend the day running and running and running. In the water, out. In the water, out. In the water out. He got very good at spitting out the sand that he ate at least a bucket of.

It was an amazing relaxing day and the kids loved having the freedom to run and play after 2 days in the car and 5 days at parks.

this was 2 seconds after we arrived. both kids were basically swimming and rolling in the sand and Jack kept saying how soft it was. When asked what his favorite part of vacation was Cooper said without hesitation "the beach."
it was a great family vacation.

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