Saturday, October 16, 2010

Field Trip

I had the pleasure of helping take Jack's pre-school class on their first field trip this last Thursday to Walter's Fruit Ranch at Green bluff.

 We went on a tractor ride, fed goats, picked apples, learned how the cider was made and most importantly picked pumpkins.
 It was really fun to go up there with the whole class all hyped up on natural cider sugar.  They were like a mini mob with lots of energy!
 This is Jack's buddy Cole whom he runs to hug every day.  They have a shared love of Thomas the Tank Trains, puzzles and snack time. 
 Notice how tall he is compared to the others? The two that come close just turned 5.
 Ahhhhhhhh....there it is, the 2010-2011 Calvary Christian Pre-school class.  Who knows if they have rocket scientists or future teachers in there but their little hearts are for God right now and and that's pretty cool to witness.
Jack made sure to pick out (a smaller) pumpkin for cooper to give him.  They are sitting on our front porch now and they kiss them when we go someplace and when its time for bed. 

Field Trip was a success.

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