Monday, October 11, 2010

Sweatin' to the oldies...

Jack has always had his own ideas about what he likes to wear or not to wear. 
LIKES: silky shorts, puffy vests, white socks, sweat pants, tank tops, visors
DISLIKES: jeans, anything with sleeves, sweaters

Now we can add to the like column: head bands.

 For the past week he has been rocking the head band (worn in the Ala Richard Simmons way) that he stole from me that I wear to keep my fly aways back when in a pony tail.
 And when he has the tank and silky shorts going on with well as the curly crazy hair - we can't help but think oh boy.  What is he going to dress like in 5 years?
 What can I say? he knows what he likes I guess...
 His brother? not so picky, just as long as there is food somewhere nearby.
I love this boy so much its crazy. :)

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