Friday, November 5, 2010

Grandma Great

My Grandma Great passed away today at the age of 95.  It has put me in a somber and sad mood because now I have lost 5 dear family members in the past 5 years and because she was such an amazing sweet, kind and spirited lady.

When I went 3000+ miles away to college, we established a pen-pal type relationship, that helped me get through some very lonesome and tough times on my own.  She would write me religiously once a month always sending me news from Kansas, asking of my life in College and giving advice or just telling jokes.  After I graduated the letters came about once every two months but some of these (after I was engaged, or after I found out Jack was a boy) are the most touches as I read through them this past week. 

Among my favorites - a letter during my freshman year - "I wouldn't worry about the poor grade in English my dear. If I were you, I would take myself straight away to the library and find a nice quiet spot near one of the windows and put my back to it so that I could see all the cute eligible bachelors walking by and catch their eyes."

After I was engaged - "Your letter brought such happy tears to me today to imagine your happy union.  The world always needs a great love story."

And after finding out news that our little biscuit Jack was going to be a baby boy - "that is blessed news.  Imagine, getting to experience the mysteries of men from the very beginning.  You will have to keep me posted on your findings as you raise your little man among men."

Grandma Great, as we called her, really was great.

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