Sunday, November 7, 2010

my fridge

At one point, not in the too distant past, about 4 short years ago I had one of those super pristine fridges.  Do you know the one I am talking about? Nothing on it, no distractions, no messy coupons, or pictures or tacky magnets... now I have this....

I was making dinner tonight and really looked at our evolved fridge for the first time and just burst out in the biggest smile.  It may not be perfect or super clean and pristine but I love it.  I am pretty sure there are expired coupons on it, a dinner plan from a month ago, art from the boys, pictures, reminders and a bunch of other things. Just a little reminder how much we love our little family every time I reach in it during the day. Clutter? What clutter? I see happy times.

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