Thursday, November 18, 2010

"yet it no, yet it no, yet it no"

This morning I went into Jack's room excited to show him the morning surprise of freshly fallen snow. He ran straight to the slider door and then ran to wake up his brother to show him the snow.  A fire drill of who could get their clothes on faster ensued followed by them piling out the front door to run around our front yard and our neighbors (sorry Justin and Crystal I don't think you will ever have a pristine snow covered front yard this year thanks to the boys) while singing "yet it no,yet it no,yet it no."

All this happiness was quickly brought back down when they came home later in the day and there was no snow.  Jack proceeded to tell Cooper that they needed to pray to God to give them more snow.  That kid astounds me.  End of story, tonight before bed... both kids added, please let it snow again to their prayers.  Ask and yea shall receive? God willing.

I hope this is a sign of the fun to be had this coming winter.  Lots of snow ball fights, snow men, sledding and of course hot chocolate with mini mallows. :)

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