Sunday, September 13, 2009

Big Boy Bunk Bed

After months of talking about it and weeks after ordering we put together Jack's big boy bunk bed. It was a momentous day filled with more than enough excitement for Jack and lots of hard word for both Flo and myself. Flo and I both commented that we have never seen him this excited about something.

He has been looking forward to this for some time now. He was our little helper with sanding, staining and cutting the boards for the bed as well! Tonight is the first night and after a talk about staying in bed and a slight threat about the looming baby bed that can be brought back at any moment, it is quiet in his room for now.

We are rewarding ourselves for the hard labor with a little ice cream and relaxation. I can't believe my little one is growing up so fast. It makes me both sad and proud that he is such a good hearted little boy who is so happy and such a pleasure to be around for us. It seems like these past couple of months he has just started to really grow up in little small ways that we notice and all of a sudden its a big way like the bed.

Super Duper grin right before lights out...

Just finished our 4 man job of putting it together and he climbed right in.
Helping Daddy with the hard work today.

playing on the mattresses in our living room for the past 2 days (who needs toys?)

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