Friday, September 18, 2009

Mutton Bustin!

We have a 2 year old who is obsessed with mutton bustin!

We saw the show last year at the fair and he was terrified, then we saw it last night at the fair and he ran home, threw on his football helmet and started to practice on our golden retriever! (For those of you who don't know what mutton bustin is: its like bull riding for 2-6 year old...only on sheep).

He talked about it nonstop so I took him back to the fair today with his cousins with our free passes and signed him up. Austin fared better than Jack did - but expected for a 4 year old. They both did super great for their first time and if they want to do it again next year I think they will do even better. I think I was more nervous than he was...he was doing a dance to the music beforehand, and trying to climb in the cage as Austin was getting on his sheep! Cooper and Charlotte were just excited to be at the fair eating Hawaiian ices and corn dogs and taking in all the excitement.

I was so proud of my usually super cautious little boy! Watch the video of the 2 of them getting ready for the big ride....

Hugging brother right before he got on his sheep...

Dancing around in his "bootball" gear.

The kids having a great time visiting the animals...

The Llama barn was a big hit!

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