Saturday, September 26, 2009

Naked Time

We had a pretty busy week playing with some of our good friends and cousins and visiting a couple of times with Little Grandma and Grandpa now that they are back in town but mostly hung around the house and played while I cleaned and got some projects finished...and apparently had lots of naked time. I don't know if its just a boy thing or just our kids but they seem to like the clothes off better than on as of late!
They were going on a trip somewhere...Jack kept waving to me and saying "bye bye mama". guess coops didn't need clothes for their warm weather destination.

This was middle of the day...
Just had to post a too cute picture of bedtime reading. They are so cute!

And yet the diapers are so close...

Naked football (full tackle on the carpet) he almost lost his left nipple to the carpet burn right after this!

I don't know what game we were playing at this time but definitely having fun!

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