Thursday, October 1, 2009

Nature Walk

I decided that our days for playing outside without snow pants in the near future are numbered so we loaded up all the kids with my sisters and headed to Camp Carroll today to go on a nature walk with the kids. They had a blast playing on the toys and then going on our little hike...collecting pine cones, flowers and sticks and looking for bears, moose, horses and I think bugs. They were funny, making up stories about where they lived and decided that they were sleeping but they wanted to go find them and poke them with sticks to wake them up. I told them next time. The mini-hike worked though - a solid 3 hour nap later and a kid who is already asleep in bed was the proof in the pudding.

I am thinking we might have to do a few more of those!

First day of October so Coops is officially 10 months old today and I am just bewildered that my little baby all of a sudden has decided to brave the world of walking and has been taking one and two steps between objects that he is holding onto. We are going to have a walker on our hands in no time!

This was a log "that a beaver chewed on" that we decided to take a little break on...
We all took turns holding Mr. Tug boat on the hike (which was the real workout!)

The classic sun in the eyes picture.

Summer is over when you sport the fake ugg boots and vest due to the balmy 57 degree high today!

"Dare Devil Maddie" showing "I'll try anything Jack" a new slide maneuver.

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