Monday, October 26, 2009

Never Say Never

Lots of changes going on around our house...Cooper is not only walking up picking up the pace to a trot and can change direction with one sniff of food in the air....Jack is working on potty training (or Mommy is working at it and Jack is along for the ride) and picked up the basics pretty fast: 1 M&M for potty, M&M's for poo. No need to know anything else for now...and last but not least, we are the proud owners of a mini-van.

I honestly can recall at least a half dozen times where we said we would "never ever" own a mini-van and now look at us, driving it and enjoying the ease of getting the two powerhouses in and out of their car seats with every trip. So needless to say, recently I have been called on a few of my NEVER comments by God (We were never going to move back to Spokane, never going to rent again, never going to drive a mini-van) so I am laying off any planning for the time being and letting him have a go! I might just go around and start saying "I will never win that darned lottery."

#1 and #2 in the bubble bath having some fun after a long rainy day. We are so blessed!

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