Friday, October 16, 2009

twacta wide

I took the boys up to Greenbluff today with our MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) group to enjoy the fall festivities before the weather got too cold and we had a blast! The kids had a great time doing the corn maze, getting apples, picking pumpkins, eating pumpkin doughnuts and cider and last but definitely not least the tractor ride around the orchard. Jack couldn't stop talking about the amazing "twacta wide" and couldn't wait to tell Daddy when he got home from out of town. It was the highlight of our day and after asking Daddy if he wanted to go on a "twacta wide" with him, he agreed and I think we might be headed back to Greenbluff tomorrow to partake in more tractor fun!

Jack's final choice - which found a home on our front steps.
Our group's attempt a group photo!

Enjoying the pumpkin patch!

The Boys Florence enoying the great outdoors.

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