Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Rain Rain go away...

With all the cold and wet weather a mom has to search for things to keep the wee ones amused. It was a good thing Jack's Halloween costume happened to arrive in the mail today and he decided to take it for a little test run with Daddy. We had a really fun day playing with David, Uncle John and little cousin Aubrey too. Jack and David got their wrestling on and were a good match for each other. I think Jack found his energy match in David!

Post game picture for Mom.
Coops playing the the tunnel system in the basement.

Little Red Barron ready to go out to the grocery store with me.

Reading books yesterday...Jack's Denise the Menace Face

David and Jack posing after the big throw-down!

Jack and Cooper have loved spending a little extra time with Big Grandma (Jack refers to her as this - all 5'2"of her! But I guess she is a little taller than Ardella!) She has to go back to North Dakota tomorrow and I know Jack is going to miss playing in his forts with her and taking little special trips because he will talk about them for days afterward. We will miss you Grandma!

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