Thursday, January 7, 2010

Rocky Start to the New Year...

We've had a little bit of a rocky start to the new year around our house with me getting my wisdom teeth taken out on the 28Th of December. What should have only been a couple days of pain or discomfort has turned into almost 2 weeks of pretty intense pain and filled with lots of meds and pudding and jello. 2 dry sockets later and 2 impacted wisdom teeth which had one that had roots going right through my nerve caused a little bit of trouble for the surgeons and I have had the pleasure of dealing with major nerve pain on the right side of my face along with numbness that won't seem to go away...super swell when I am trying to take care of these two little balls of energy! Flo has been AMAZING with helping out and being patient with me but I think I am wearing thin on eating only soup, pudding and jello and slowly killing my kidneys with Advil! On the upside, this whole experience has allowed me to discover the differences between chicken soup brands, practice a little on mario cart and not totally over indulge in all the amazing Christmas treats! I am just hoping that every morning I wake up it will be a little better so that we can enjoy this new year we are blessed with and the adventures that await!

Since I have been such a slacker with blogging, I thought I would post some pictures from the past 2 weeks - note: please ignore the dishes, laundry or mess in the back drop - with Flo having to still work all the time, our priorities were more along the lines of having them fed and happy!

Cooper enjoying one of his favorite Christmas presents...
Side profile of Jack's POOF, after Flo blew dry it one night....

Front view (that thing has bounce!!)

Naked bed jumping time - all rules were out this past week!
Cooper enjoying his kalua cream pie...just a little...

Thats a happy boy!

Testing out their new table set from Grandma and Grandpa - its a hit!

First time leaving the house after 6 days in - costco run, what else?
Post cereal sale... Jack is so proud of our loot!
Watching Daddy leave for work
Cooper testing out his pound a ball toy...he is sort of good seeing as he is freakishly strong for a 13 month old!
Aaaah the men in my life!

1 comment:

  1. oooooh, hang in there Jen, that sounds awful! Just one more thing to add the list of 'reasons I'm afraid to get my wisdom teeth out'!!
    cute pics, your boys are getting soooo big :)
