Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

I know Valentine's Day is typically a romantic Day filled with red roses for some, Hallmark Cards and Chocolates but we spent our day together as a family...just me and the three boys I am in love with!

It obliviously wasn't all roses.... Jack has a pretty bad case of croup and has been really sick for past 3 days, which comes with lots of tears that accompany the coughs, runny noses and sleepless nights. Cooper went with me to my nieces 3rd birthday party today at McDonald's and had a blast eating nuggets and playing with the 'big' kids. It was a really fun party! And then...later on in the evening, decided to surprise us with a treat by playing in his poopy diaper and almost eating it. My mom screamed and Flo almost barfed. Bubble bath check.
And my SUPER attentive husband gave me a gift that I have been wanting for a LOOOOONG time now.... a dutch oven. No, not the smelly silent but deadly kind under the sheets but a cast-iron and enamel one that I can now make even more amazing stew, chili and other recipes in. Nerdy I know, but I am in love with it and am not quite ready to take it off my counter and put it the cupboard where I can't look at its pretty red shine every time I come in the room.
Happy Valentine's day all! I wouldn't trade my day this year for anything! I hope you all had a good day spent with loved ones as well.

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