Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Rub a dub dub....2 boys in a tub!

Well for starters... Lard Loss 2010 started yesterday. This was Flo's brainchild weightloss contest that he thought up and now has 14 people total who are participating. I am proud of him for including and inspring lots of family and friends who he knows also want to lose some weight and live a healthier life. This runs from February 1 to May 1 so I am trying to be as supportive as possible and cook a little heathier and buy heathy snacks. I think this is good for both of us because I definitley binge on not-so-healthy desserts more than I should and its a nice change of pace!

These two monkeys were SUPPOSED to be picking up all the blocks they dumped out and played with but I walked in on them horsing around in this tub. What corn balls! :)

The boys, jumping in their undies, today when Uncle John and the kids came over to visit. Never a dull moment, the boys had a lot of fun playing with their Toy Story toys and running around. They are two peas in a pod.

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