Monday, February 22, 2010

We made it through the week alive...barely!

Week from hell might be a little strong...but I think this past week is what separates the week moms from the freakishly strong willed ones. I would like to personally place myself in the latter category after what I've experienced this past week.

After having our plan to attend church foiled again by Jack with flu symptoms - not to miss that ever present projectile vomit and middle of the night diarrhea, the start of our week was off to a rocky start. Personally, after hardly attending church all winter I think the church might think they have a new family attending once we kick all these bugs we've been fighting!

Jack then proceeded to contract the dreaded croup virus and then pass along to Cooper - who with his illness induced asthma was put on the ventilator and that was a whole other story for a boy who doesn't sit still for anything but food!

After 1 round of the flu and 2 rounds of croup...Jack was rewarded with a smoothie for being a good shopper for me while I hurriedly threw in goods into our Costco cart since we were running low....and then just a few hours later was knocked down with food poisoning in the Trading Company parking lot.

After having Flo come home early to help with him, so that I could go run conditioning practice for Softball I realized then that I forgot my wallet at the trading company during all the craziness... in the end, my wallet was returned minus the cash but everything else intact. Only 2 weeks worth of grocery and diaper money lost - I hope that person needed it more than us right?

All in all.... I was ready for Christine's surprise baby shower and David's 3rd birthday which was superhero themed this weekend. Ready for spring might be an understatement in this house! :)

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