Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Kiddie Pool Official Thank you...

After a HOT HOT day like today, I would like to offically thank Grandma and Grandpa again for our blow up kiddie pool. It made our day (and I say "our" because I definitely partook in the water fun as well) and cooled us off after our air conditioner bit the bullet before a couple of 90 degree days! THANK YOU!

Hopefully this picture says it all. PURE JOY :)

On the 4th...there were a few local booms while we were waitng for the fireworks to begin and then we noticed that Jack was sitting all quiet and still under his blanket. No crying. Just sitting under his blanket cave...nice and safe. Luckily by the time the fireworks rolled around, both boys loved them and named every color with lots of WOWS and OOOHS and AAAAHS. It was really cute.

Water balloon arsonel on the 4th at our bbq. Jack has made a point to mention he wants to do that next year as well every day since. I think it was a hit. Only downfall? Took about 45 minutes to fill all the balloons and about 5 minutes to throw them all.

3 musketeers playing some game at the bbq right before ice cream cones.
Relaxing in his chair while Jack took a turn at bat while we relaxed on the 4th.

They LOVED the stomp rocket that we broke out and I was totally suprised that we didn't have to knock on any neighbors doors to retrieve the rockets!

Notice the stars on the head?

A little patriotic fun while we filled up the pools...still in jams of course!

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