Monday, July 19, 2010

Where oh where did my babies go?

I can see the stretch marks and extra "lovin" that are remnants of having my two tug boat children but apparently having babies in the house is a thing of the past. Where did the time go? Lately it seems like every day they test their bravery, vocabulary and my amazement with all the things they are discovering. Summer comes with so much play time outside, that it seems like we are moving from the time they wake up until I change them for bed, that they are constantly growing every day. STOP IT ALREADY! I have been enjoying being able to witness their little characters grow and see them become such pleasures to be around. I am so blessed to be able to be at home and raise them and it has been about 2 years exactly now that I have been at home with Jack first and now both of them and I can honestly say that I enjoy it so much more now than I did at first after seeing all the amazing things that they have taught me. Sorry for the gushy moment but it seems like my love for these two little ones has been overflowing lately and I wanted to make sure to write it down so that next time we are going through a "phase" I can re-read this day and remember that "this too shall pass."

Little trip up to Manito today for our little nature walk through the flower gardens. The boys found walking sticks and I was pleasantly surprised when they were used for walking rather than poking. cooper was sort of hunched over his and really looked like an 80 year old man with a cane!

A Sunday visit to the neighborhood sand and water pit...something about that combination that all kids love. Cooper played with the "play hard work hard" mentality and basically bathed in the mud for about 20 minutes and then declared 'all done.' Jack took more of a leisurely approach and dug around for about 15 minutes before he was jumping in the puddles and making moats and lakes and didn't want to leave.

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