Monday, July 12, 2010

My potty didn't listen to me!

I was already planning to dropping by the pediatrician's office to get Jack's vaccination record so that we could get him registered for pre-school this fall...but that turned in to them squeezing Coops in for his missed 18 month appointment. 3 shots, 1 blood test and 4 stickers later we were done and eating Hawaiian ices in river front park. Aunt Maggie and the boys and I visited the wagon, garbage eating goat and took a few rides on the carousel before it was time to head home for a much needed nap.

Notice Jack's wardrobe change in the pictures? No, they were all taken within a couple of hours of each other, we just had a little situation right before the carousel...

Jack: aaaaahhhhhh
me: what happened?
Jack: I'm all wet! my potty didn't listen to me!
me: what?!?
Jack: I told it I didn't want to go now and to hold it but it came out. Its a bad potty.

So maybe I should put the potty in the corner for not listening?!?!

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