Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Strawberry Picking

I took the boys up to Greenbluff today to go strawberry picking since it was the first day that wasn't either crazy hot or crazy windy. It turned out that I was the only one who was strawberry picking and Jack and Coops were there to go strawberry eating. They ate so many strawberries and Jack was convinced that he didn't like strawberries before we went but I am pretty sure he had at least 20 or more in the time we were there! I am just thankful that I dressed Cooper in red for the excursion!

Happy birthday to little grandpa too! We delivered a some orange rolls this morning to the birthday boy and then partook in one after we got home from picking. Miss home yet honey? Orange rolls and strawberry shortcake? mmmm

Our bounty. I am thinking strawberries and cream and then maybe strawberrys with angle food cake?

Only picture I got of the boys with the ponies (if you look to the right of the picture) because 2 seconds later cooper tried to climb in the pen witht them.

They suprisingly picked great strawberries. Only one instruction: red ones only and that was all they needed. Now if I could have only gotten Jack to stop throwing the rotton ones away from us as some innocent bystanders were tagged with them.

I thought he was just looking at this one since he had 3 in his mouth already, but he managed to cram it in there with the rest for a strawberry party in his mouth.

They are deciding which ones to eat out of my tray...I couldn't pick them fast enough before they decided to go out on their own and the sky was the limit!

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