Friday, June 5, 2009

Chuck E Cheese

Something tells me we celebrated our first of many birthdays at the friendly rodents hangout... Complete with $10 side salads, deafening kids music and enough tokens and tickets to purchase a few pieces of penny candy at the price of an ipod touch, I have a feeling that Jack is going to be spending a few extra hours with the Sand Man tonight because he played so hard!

We had a blast celebrating Trent's 10th Birthday and every time we had a melt down moment today or I had to get Jack to do something even slightly unpleasant, I just had to remind him of T's Birthday party and he was more than willing to become my little yes man. I love party days! Even Cooper got on the Big Screen and danced around!

Just a few other pictures from this week of the boys and our daily life as well... Jack sharing his favorite tractor books with little brother (I loved this moment because I didn't even have to prompt or ask - win for me!)

Cooper starting to sit up (with just a little help) and on the verge of crawling. Mark my words, he is going to be a mover and a shaker once he figures it out!

A couple pictures from our afternoon at the park when Aunt Allison Came to town on Tuesday. So gorgeous out, couldn't ask for a nicer day and we have the farmers tan to prove it!
Time to sleep, mom out.

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