Thursday, June 25, 2009

Long Summer Day

The laundry needed done today along with the dishes and a half dozen other chores but I made the conscious decision to look the other way and enjoy the day with the boys instead. We had so much fun and crammed in so many things like when I was a kid and every summer day seemed so long.

I loved it but am exhausted now! I guess the usual morning routine followed by a bike ride, playing at the park, lunch outside, playing t-ball, naps, basketball, building a giant Lego tunnel, ice cream, dinner and Aunt Maggie's softball game (along with the running of the bases) will do that to someone. Happy ending: it took 5 minutes for them both to fall asleep tonight!

sitting side by side in their rocking chairs...

maestro playing a tune for us...
and although it was a friendly game of HORSE in his bedroom, I think Jack was getting ready for hoopfest (checkout that form!!)

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