Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Resort Life

Back to reality after today...We loved Lake Chelan! Jack became a little fish in the water - a far cry from the banchee screams he exhibited the first day we tried to get him in the pool. One would have thought we were secretly pinching him under his trunks! Now he lets go of us completely and floats and kicks. HUGE.

We had a lot of fun in the sun as well, relaxing on the beach (Coops in his little cabana) and Branden doing some minimal work. The resort was the perfect set up for beach, pool, and adventures! I think its time to leave when we headed to the hot tub last night and we heard a coarus of "Cooper! Jack!" from a group of kids in the hot tub already. They were definitely the pair of ladies men to a certain group of 12 year old girls! Daddy was proud.

We are off to Grand Coulee, goodbye beautiful view!

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