Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Hap - Hap - Happy Halloween!

We had a great weekend with friend's visiting for Flo's 30th Birthday and Halloween and then spent the last 2 days trying to recoup.  Seems to be the theme lately - me thinks we are getting old! Sorry for the late post but I was a little busy playing catch up in the great laundry war (I won the battle today) and voting - still watching TV and crossing my fingers that our nation is headed back in the right direction again (albeit a teeny tiny baby step).

 After the harvest fest at our church we went to my sister's for her 2nd annual chilli feed and trick-or-treat.  Trying to get all 9 cousins plus one friend to look and smile at the camera proved challenging...
 Coops and his buddy Aubrey (a.k.a minnie mouse) are two peas in a pod.
 It was Coops first time going door to door and he definitely took to the whole event yelling "yeah!" at the top of his lungs as he ran door to door.

 We went up to Greenbluff this weekend with friends and had a lot of fun drinking cidar, eating pumpkin spice doughnuts and watching the great pumpkin cannon.

 Family picture for Greenbluff (Notice coops is picking something? So appropriate!)
 The two little monsters in my life.  I love those little buggers so much! I have come to love the boyness about them! The always busy, always running, squirming, loud, giggling, messy boyness that never seems to stop from morning till night. 
 Our friend Riane and the boys (coops constant companion "Ba" the monkey is even along for the ride!)
 Playing games at the harvest fest.
 Sully the friendly monster from monster's inc.

 a brief 5 minute crash in the car due to no nap that day (dressing up on costumes and getting lots of candy was too much to take in AND nap!) but 5 minutes with the cousins and some treats at the chilli feed and he was ready to go again.

The boys with their Tow-mater buck teeth suckers.  After eating till their little hearts content, we took the extra candy to the dentist (who bought it back)  and brought home $5 and glow in the dark toothbrushes.  solved having to take the extra candy away, they got to put money in their banks and no cavities.  win win win. already looking forward to next year and seeing if we can make it around the block and then some in Aunt Bissy's neighborhood! Challenge accepted!

1 comment:

  1. Super cute photos! Looks like everyone had a great time!
