Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Half Way Point...

We all miss Daddy around this house... but we are at the half way point of his 6 day trip to Dallas and things are going pretty smoothly. Kids have been in great spirits and have been really patient with me interviewing people to try to find just the right match for someone to watch them when I start coaching at U-High next month part time.

Uncle John, David and Aubrey came over today to play and for lunch and the kids had a blast. They played so hard that I had to wake Jack up from his 3+ hour nap at 5 just so that he would fall asleep before 9 tonight! It was also go good to have a little grown up time with John and visit - or so we thought. And then we hear some splashing noise and discovered all 4 kids had broken into the bathroom and were playing games in the toilet water. SICK. Reality check - there was no grown up time, just visiting over lunch!

I must admit as well....I have discovered life's most perfect food this past week too. Spiced Pecan Pumpkin Pancakes from Williams-Sonoma. Seriously good! Flo will attest to my obsession with pancakes in general but these take the cake. We have had them for at least 1 (usually 2) meals since Flo left Sunday morning. They make not being able to eat all the other good foods I'm missing out on a distant memory and the fact that the kids love them too is icing on the cake!

We miss you daddy!

The boys were clowing around tonight, running around laughing and hugging. It made me laugh and Jack declared "My mommy is so happy today." I was.

Our Motley Crew from today. Funny funny kids.
Jack posing with his new toy from Auntie Connie "just because we ran into her at wal-mart"

If you have seen Cooper in the past month then chances are he looked like this pose... one hand down his pants. He pretty much assumes the position every minute he isn't eating or sleeping. I have to break this habit!!

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