Saturday, January 23, 2010

Night Out

My sister and I were given tickets to the women's US skating championships tonight and we had so much fun! It was such a cool experience to watch in person after growing up watching them in the Olympics, and although we were by no means experts like a few that surrounded us we had a blast! It was just what the doctor ordered after Flo being out of town and a few long weeks of being indoors so much. Watching them at the Olympics this year will that much cooler now :)

Although in our personal opinion, the girl that got 2nd was completely robbed... maybe she will get her due in the Olympics!
We had really good seats and it was super nice to just visit and spend some time with my sister without having to juggle the kids for a change.
Sasha Cohen, my sister's favorite.

So Flo did Nascar racing downtown with his company this week and I went out for $6 hotdogs at the Arena - for us, we were movers and shakers this week!

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