Sunday, January 24, 2010

Jack's Birthday Party

We had Jack's birthday party at the Y today and the boys CRASHED when we got home after a few hours of cake, pizza and lots of swimming. They had a blast with all their cousins, aunts and uncles. I can't belive he is 3 already!

Cooper ate just a few bread sticks along with digging into the chocolate cake that he liked just a little...ANYTHING chocolate is great in his book!
Flo taking Jack down the slide twice - Jack braved his fears and it was really funny!

Loving on his gifts when we got home. He was really excited about his party!Cooper playing with Auntie Roxanne in the pool.

He was beaming while we sang Happy Birthday it was adorable. For a kid who begged for a Mack Truck cake, he only ate 1 bite. Next year maybe I'll just put a candle in a cracker with cheese and sausage!Posing with his new prized bike. He spent over an hour in the back yard and it was coooold out.
4 hours of my life spent, about 2 loads of dishes and lots of little bits of flour and sugar all over my counters, sink and floor.... happiness for one 3 year old.

His Toy from Santa was my model, which he let me borrow for 2 days - sweet boy.

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