Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Ready for Spring already!

Long nights at the Florence house this past week...we are definitely in the dead of winter with it getting dark so early, we are having to come up with creative ways to entertain trouble #1 and #2... any ideas? On a side note... Jack turns 3 tomorrow and it is sort of blowing our minds. After they went to bed, Flo sat and looked at the album of when he was first born. How did the time go quickly? My little man.

We saved a few gifts from Christmas and put them in the laundry room. Today was the PERFECT night to bust out Aunt Amy's super cool tool bench gift to the boys. They played for hours, sawing and drilling. HUGE HIT!

Not politically correct but Flo was calling them our little diaper heads. It was funny. Daddy is definitely back!

Cooper being funny....doing his little strut down the roller coaster ramp and being funny. The kid is a crack up and STUBBORN. We had all of our chairs in the entire upstairs in our bedroom today because he wanted to climb on top of tables, couches, bunk beds...anything. And after one fat lip and a bump on the head I took the obstacle out of the equation. Maybe stunt man in his future?
After the Y today (in which they came and found me to get me because my little one was trying to climb the slide and fell and got hurt surprised?) I decided to get them out of the house and go for a walk because it was sunny out. Sunny yes. Warm no. With the wind whipping at my face on the way back of our 2.5 mile walk and the kids winning....I was rethinking my bright idea. Maybe I'll wait until its above 50 next time!
This video is what we do when we have 1 hour till bedtime and have exhausted all toy resources...laser pointer. They were hilarious!

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